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Women 24th of August 2020

How Food Impact Feminine Health

We are what we eat, and the lady bits are no exception. Something as simple as our diet can affect the natural balance going on down there. 

Do you know that your diet pretty much affects everything from your overall health to your vagina’s health? The food you are taking daily can have a straight impact on the vaginal pH level. A healthy vagina naturally has an acidic pH and a host of good bacteria that ward off infections while keeping everything on track. 
We've rounded up the best and also the worst food that may affect your vaginal health. Read through the article to find out.

#1 Spices

If you love strong-smelling foods with lots of spices, frequent consumption can lead to a pungent-smelling vagina because they can change the bacterial flora of your vagina, causing unwanted odors. They might be a delicious addition to your food, but definitely not for your vagina. If you plan to have a romantic night with your loved one, make sure to drink lots of water beforehand so that your body will flush out the unwanted odors. 

#2 Red Meat

Yes, we understand this is the perfect source of your protein intake, but red meat can really throw off your vagina pH level,  which triggers your vagina to smell (not the kind of smell you would like). Look for white meat like chicken, fish, pork as they are another great option for your protein intake too. 

#3 Alcohol

Your heavy drinking night dehydrates your body and this leaves your body with less fluid available to produce lubrication, resulting in friction and discomfort during intercourse. So ladies, remember to rehydrate with 500ml-1L water after those champagnes and wines.

#4 Yogurt

Probiotic-rich food like yogurt is good for more than just your gut health. The active cultures in it can boost up good bacteria in your body, balance your pH level and keep infection at bay. The best part is that the calcium in yogurt was shown to help with PMS symptoms too. When enjoying yogurt, try to reduce syrups or other flavorings because they tend to contain high sugar levels that will influence your vagina's pH environment. (and we don’t want that). 

#5 Cranberry Juice

A study in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology found that women who took cranberry juice significantly reduced the rate of UTI occurrence by half! The reason is relatively simple because cranberries are packed with antioxidants and powerful infection fighters. Plus, they are acidic in nature and help maintain the pH of your vagina. To reap its benefits, drink a glass of unsweetened, 100% organic derived cranberry juice daily, or better yet, munch on a handful of fresh cranberries daily. 

#6 Fruits

Fruits are rich in fiber, and do you know that fiber actually contains prebiotics? Taking sufficient amounts of fiber daily nurtures the good bacteria in your gut. So when your gut is healthy, your vagina will be too! This is because most of the friendly bacteria come from the gut.

Before you jump on eating foods for good vaginal health, remember the importance to practice hygiene and daily vaginal care as well. Taking VOFINA™ might be the easiest and healthiest option you need to achieve a fresher and happier vagina. 
VOFINA™ is a probiotics and prebiotics formulation that supports your feminine health. Although the food we consume may contain probiotics and prebiotics, it is barely enough to maintain good vaginal health. But with VOFINA™, you get 20 billion smarter probiotics and prebiotics that help restore the good natural bacteria (Lactobacillus), maintain an optimal pH level which can eventually help get rid of unusual vaginal odor, itching, irritation and discharge. With just 1 capsule a day, you get to experience and reclaim your feminine health at its healthiest state! Put your vagina on cloud nine and keep it there with the help of Miss VOFINA™ now!

Learn More:

By Serena.L

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